Monday, January 5, 2009

Brain food for 2009

Have settled on a plan.

1. Read Philosophers without Gods. Meditatins on Atheism and the Secular Life. Edited by Louise M. Antony. The reason I chose this subject is related to the youngest son. I call him" my teacher." I have had to learn things I never thought I would and have never regreted any of it. When he told me he was gay, he at the same time, provided me with literature, phone numbers for a support group to contact and he also had his bag packed in case the wind blew the other way. Well I went to meetings and read more than I ever wanted to and educated myself. From a homophobic hateful person I became an educated accepting parent in love with my precious gift. My son. Now he is talkibng atheism. Ok I will learn about that. I started it over the weekend and am finding it ever so interesting. I have changed my own views over the years also and I choose to accept a higher power, but I am open to other views. I look forward to conversations with "my teacher" on the subject.
2. Study the Power of Now, by Echart Tolle. He was chosen as the Spiritual Here of the year by the Church of Religious Science to which I subscribe at this time in my life. I started it a couple of years ago and put it aside. He published another book this last year, A New Earth Awakening To Your Life`s Purpose. Operah jumped on it and it was a big buzz on the internet and the church I go to also did and offered a 6 week workshop. Well that all went way to fast for me so I pulled out the first book and it is more to my liking. So that`s the plan with Tolle. I will make it a study for the year. A slow ruminating read.
3. A friend gave me a daily reading book for Christmas. " Jesus Calling," by Sarah Young. I wouldn`t ordinalrily find this title interesting, but I read her bio and she is not a Bible thumping fundamentalist. She is a tea s cher and has traveled a similar spiritual road as I have. Anyway that led to my purchase of a new LARGE PRINT Bible with my gift certificate from Barnes and Noble. So I will also dabble in that for a while. I haven`t done Bible for several years.
4, Will continue with the daily readings from the Science of Mine Magazine with daily meditations and very interesting articles on New Thought, Old Wisdom.
5. And the one I like the most of all. Quantum Physics. Einstein said Imagination is more important than Knowledge, It is a preview of coming attractions. I love it. I have read books by Greg Braden and Joe Dispenza to name two . I have heard them both lecture. Dispenza was featured in What the Bleep and The Secret. Greg Braden`s God Code is the current book I`m reading. Dr. Dispenza has a new book out about the Brain and Computers. It is fascinating. So much to learn, so little time.

That`s the plan and I`m sticking to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brain hurts just reading your book list. How about adding a few good novels to that list?